they said.

i still remember when jay told me that God gives us interactions, words, images to help us cope with the daily. i wrote in my journal that day that God gives us the most tangible lessons through the hug of a friend, the words of an artist, and even the beauty of the breeze..

  1. God has bigger plans than i could ever imagine in terms of my future and love – He intends to shift my paradigm completely
  2. “WOMAN UP baby girl!”
  3. “Welcome home nOwie..” (insert grossed out face) “what? it’s true right?”
  4. “Take care of your friends, bc we’re the ones taking care of you .. “
  5. Platonic relationships b.w opposite sexes are possible (still workin on this one)
  6. First law of healing is to do no one harm (thank you erykah badu via twitty milk haha)
  7. Blessed are those who mourn about ___________
  8. Love, honesty, and respect is better than pride and games – forever and ever.
  9. EAT your pleasures. PRAY your healing. and LOVE your growth.
  10. dear miss universe
    by ruby veridiano ching

    an oracle visited me in a dream last night
    told me i must learn to let go
    dont be scared any more
    i will have everything

    if we hang too tight
    we risk strangling possibility
    tie it down before it grows
    choke before it takes breath

    let faith lead you
    it’s all going to be okay
    i promise

    we become everything we say we are
    so speak it all into existence
    like calm after the storm
    it will come

    life is conspiring
    in ways which we cannot see
    write a passage on the Universe’s lining
    trust she will make way

    new age theory, maybe
    but i speak my spirit’s language
    i can’t help it
    it’s the God in me

Lord peace me whole.
